Podcasts 2013

I’m an avid listener of gaming podcasts. If you don’t know what a podcast is, it’s basically a free audio recording reminiscent of radio shows. Although, I’m sure there are some that aren’t free. I started listening to them in December of 2009, mainly because I spent a lot of time driving back and forth & listening to music got boring sometimes. Now, I mostly listen to them when I’m cleaning up or when I’m working out at the gym. Cleaning up & working out both bore me so the podcasts help me pass the time quickly. I get all my podcasts on iTunes (first link below), but if you’re interested in a different podcast client such as Zune Marketplace Xbox Music or you would like to listen online or download the episodes, please visit the podcast’s website (second link below). I have listed the podcasts I currently listen to regularly below.

343 Sparkast [343 Industries]
This podcast is about all things Halo 4 and the Halo universe, an Xbox exclusive video game series. Leading up to the release of Halo 4, there were numerous episodes about the game’s development & lots of sneak peeks at upcoming Halo-related content. I love this podcast because I love Halo, but there haven’t been any new episodes since before the release of Halo 4. I assume that’s because 343i is busy with lots of post-launch stuff.

Major Nelson Radio [Larry Hryb aka Xbox Live’s Major Nelson]
Major Nelson Radio is about all things Xbox-related. Although many other topics such as tech, gadgets, other gaming consoles, cell phones, movies, tv shows, and anything else related to geeks and/or nerds are discussed. I love Xbox & this podcast is a great way to stay up on what’s happening in the Xbox world. There’s also a weekly Name the Game contest with prizes & Xbox 101 that provides tips & tricks for getting the most out of your Xbox experience.

Official Xbox Magazine (KOXM Radio) [Official Xbox Magazine Staff]
Another Xbox-related podcast! This is a great podcast for commentary on Xbox news as well as providing information on what’s going on with the Official Xbox Magazine. If you subscribe to the magazine (which I do), then this is an awesome podcast that supplements the magazine very well.

Podcast Unlocked [IGN Staff]
I just recently started listening to this podcast (about 6 or 7 episodes in), but I love it. It’s fun & informative, and I’ve liked all of the guests that have been on especially the interview about The Walking Dead game. If you’re an Xbox gamer & get your gaming news from IGN, then I definitely recommend checking out this podcast.

Rooster Teeth Podcast [Rooster Teeth Staff]
This podcast was considered a gaming podcast, but it’s now officially in the comedy section on iTunes. Anything is open for discussion & it’s hilarious. If you’re a fan of Rooster Teeth then you probably already listen to it. If you’re a fan of life or you like being alive, then you should definitely listen to this podcast! *Note: Currently, this is a live video podcast on Mondays @ 7:30PM Central Time (for RT sponsors only), but the audio gets reposted as an iTunes audio podcast.

Until next time.