First Impression – Medal of Honor Warfighter

First, a little background information. Medal of Honor Warfighter (2012) is the sequel to 2010’s Medal of Honor. I enjoyed the latter’s campaign. Although, the multiplayer was severely lacking in the 2010 game.

Medal of Honor Warfighter Limited Edition (2012) for Xbox 360 comes on two discs (one campaign, one multiplayer). The copy I pre-ordered from Amazon included access to the Battlefield 4 Beta coming in the fall of 2013. It also included the online multiplayer pass, the Zero Dark Thirty map pack and an early unlock of the U.S. Navy Seal Sniper for multiplayer. If you’ve played Battlefield 3, which I have because I love FPS games, then the Swedish SOG Spec Ops Operator is also unlocked in multiplayer.

I’ve been reading some of the reviews of this game from reputable sites, and I don’t understand why they’ve rated the game so poorly. No, it’s not the best shooter of all time, but it has its moments. I could go on about how I think some of those sites are biased towards shooters like Call of Duty or how they wouldn’t know a decent game if it shot them in the face, but I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’m just going to write about my first impression with this game.

Yes, I played the multiplayer beta that was released a few weeks earlier. I really enjoyed it. Although the game type from the beta was something that’s been done before, I felt like it had a new feel to it in the Medal of Honor universe. I’ll admit that I haven’t played the multiplayer of the released game because the first night I tried, I couldn’t connect to the EA servers. I assumed it was because lots of people were trying to play, and the servers were overwhelmed. Maybe EA just has sucky servers. Who knows? The internet would have you believe it was because EA is the worst company ever. Whatever.

However, I have been playing the campaign on the easiest difficulty, but only because I want a stress-free play through of the story and I don’t want to go after miscellaneous achievements on Tier 1 difficulty. I’m about 1/3 through the campaign and I really like it. To me, the missions are varied and unexpected. I haven’t felt like I’ve been playing the same old “modern-day shooter” the whole time. I think it’s mostly because of the locations, which I won’t spoil. Plus, it’s not bad to look at either, but in a console generation that’s 7 years old, that’s to be expected. The peek & lean feature is an added bonus to mix up the gameplay as well. When I’ve fully experienced the game, I may write more, but I think that’s it for now.

Until next time.