Weekly Gaming Goals | May 24 – May 30, 2015


Things have been very hectic with work, studying for my certification exam and trying to get my new podcast up and running. However, I’ve realized that I’ve been slacking when it comes to gaming lately so I’ve decided to set some gaming goals each week. I plan on documenting some or all of my gaming progress via Twitch and/or Youtube. I’m hoping that by blogging my goals, it will make me more accountable and I’ll actually get some gaming in during the week. I will update my goals each week and add new ones if I’m able to complete any of them. I love getting achievements and I would like for my Gamerscore to be at or above 55,000 by the end of June. We’ll see how it goes.


  1.  Destiny House of Wolves (Xbox One) – Human Hunter, Lvl. 31
    1. Weekly Strike
    2. Daily Story
      1. Complete at least 3/week
    3. Public Events
      1. Complete at least 3/week
    4. Weekly Nightfall Strike
    5. Complete as many bounties as possible
    6. Finish the House of Wolves missions
  2. Murdered Soul Suspect (Xbox One)
    1. Complete 2 story missions
Gaming Backlog
  1.  Watch Dogs – Bad Blood DLC (Xbox One)
  2. The Last of Us – Left Behind DLC (PS3)
  3. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood (Xbox 360)
    1. Discover all shrines
    2. Complete all multiplayer achievements