I’m Still Here

I have been missing in action lately when it comes to my blog, but I definitely haven’t forgotten about it. It’s been so busy here lately. I had finals to deal with plus I’ve been looking for a new apartment because I need more space. I’ve also been spending a lot of time getting caught up on video games since I don’t have any classes until mid-January. I might be posting an update on my gaming sometime next week.

I recently realized that there are only 12 weeks left until it’s time for me to get prepared for the trip to Boston, MA for PAX East 2013. This means packing & buying clothes & getting my hair done. During the next 12 weeks, I have to decided to stick to a diet & exercise plan. My main goal is to lose a bit of weight & to tone up. My reward for sticking to the plan the full 12 weeks is a mini shopping spree. I will allow myself to buy all new clothes for the trip to Boston if I can stick to it. I really want some new clothes, but I haven’t found any excuses to spend the money so hopefully this will motivate me to stick to the plan so I can splurge on a few things like shoes.

I do not plan on eating anything specific, but I will try to limit foods with fat as well as eat only a certain amount of calories per day. I will also try to drink more water. As far as exercising goes, I have devised a weekly workout that should help me accomplish my goals as long as I’m dedicated & stick to it. I may be posting my workout schedule by the end of the week. I know that my new schedule seems a bit intense, but I think I can do it. I’m not going to  over do it though. If I feel like my body needs some rest, then I’ll take a day off. I’m going to try to post a weekly update of my progress to help keep myself in check.

WordPress just released the 3.5 update so during the next few weeks I’m going to be getting my blog ready so I can update it from 3.4.2 to the 3.5 version. I’ve also been thinking about doing a new theme for 2013, but we’ll see how the new update works with my current theme first. I hope I can make all the changes before New Year’s Eve so that I can have the new blog go live by midnight to celebrate the New Year, but if I don’t it will be fine. I’ve also been thinking about changing my domain name. We’ll see.

Lastly, I’m really interested in doing the Low Ammo Podcast again soon. I really want to host it on this site, but if I can’t I’ll just use a free site & provide links to it here. Hopefully, the Low Ammo Podcast will be back in 2013. I’m also hoping I can find some reliable people to be on the show.

Until next time.

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What’s In My Gym Bag?

Recently, I’ve been getting more and more into fitness and spending more time in the gym. I just recently came up with a fitness schedule for November and December (which I will post in my fitness journal whenever I get the page set up). As of right now, I don’t have a gym bag, but as I spend more & more time at the gym, I’m sure I’ll eventually get one. So this post is about what would be in my gym bag if I had one. Towels. Most gyms supply towels, but my gym doesn’t. They only supply paper …

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