Podcasts 2016

I’m back with my yearly podcasts update! You can check out last year’s update here. I haven’t been listening to podcasts as much as I used to but I plan on changing that this year. Also, I haven’t really discovered many new podcasts. That’s probably because I’m behind on a lot of them and adding new podcasts would’ve just made things worse. I hope to get caught up by the end of summer so that I can finally listen to something new and different. I’m still using the official Apple Podcasts app. So far, so good. I just wish they’d add …

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How Important Is Gamerscore?

So is gamerscore important? To a lot of people it is. For many it’s not. For me it’s somewhat important. When the Xbox 360 launched in 2005, it included Achievements. Achievements could be unlocked by playing games. In the beginning, Achievements were fairly easy because no one really knew what to do with them or if they would even catch on. Call of Duty 2 offered 1000G for just playing through the campaign on Veteran. Today Achievements are in almost every game whether it’s the Achievements on Steam or Origin or the Trophies on Playstation. My Xbox gamerscore is currently …

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Are Collector’s Editions Worth It?

With the recent release of Watch Dogs and its numerous collector’s editions, it made me think about the collector’s editions of games I’ve purchased. Not all of them have lived up to my expectations, but that never stopped me from buying more. I’m currently out of shelf space and looking for some way to display all of my video game stuff.

I don’t think of myself as an early adopter, but some things I have to have Day 1 if I can afford it. So do I think they’re worth it? Yes and no. No, it’s not the best use of money. However, I love them I’ll continue to buy them so I think they’re worth it. I don’t go out and buy the collectors or limited edition for every game. I usually only buy the collector’s edition if it’s relatively cheap or if it’s for a series that I love like Halo.  The Legendary Edition of Halo 3 pictured above was the first collector’s edition that I purchased. For new IPs, I’ll probably only buy it if comes with something awesome like the Atlas statue that came with the Titanfall CE. Even though the Titanfall CE costs $250.00, it was well worth it. I love seeing the huge Atlas on top of my bookshelf every day. It reminds me of all the fun I have while playing the game. Overall, if you’re into collecting and love video games then they’re worth it.

Collector’s Editions I Own:

  • Alan Wake Limited Collector’s Edition [Xbox 360]
  • Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Collector’s Edition (GameStop Harlequin Jack-In-The-Box) [Xbox 360]
  • Assassin’s Creed 3 Freedom Edition [Xbox 360]
  • BioShock 2 Limited Edition [Xbox 360]
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Hardened Edition [Xbox 360]
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops II Hardened Edition [Xbox 360]
  • Duke Nukem Forever Balls of Steel Edition [Xbox 360]
  • Gears of War Limited Collector’s Edition [Xbox 360]
  • Gears of War 2 Limited Edition [Xbox 360]
  • Gears of War 3 Epic Edition [Xbox 360]
  • Halo 2 Collector’s Edition [Original Xbox]
  • Halo 3 Legendary Edition [Xbox 360]
  • Halo Wars Limited Edition [Xbox 360]
  • Halo: Reach Legendary Edition [Xbox 360]
  • Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Pre-order Edition [Xbox 360]
  • Halo 4 Limited Edition [Xbox 360]
  • Titanfall Collector’s Edition [Xbox One]
  • Tron Evolution Collector’s Edition [Xbox 360]

Until next time.


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March 2014 was all about the release of Titanfall. I absolutely love this game! It’s the most multiplayer fun I’ve had since Halo 4 (Regicide!). Even though this game is a new IP, B and I went all out and bought a bunch of Titanfall stuff. First up is the Tifanfall controller. We had to get two because we weren’t going to share.

  • Xbox One Titanfall Limited Edition Wireless Controllers
  • $64.99 plus tax (Bought the last two at the Best Buy near here.)
  • Design inspired by the C-101 Carbine used by the Elite IMC Titan Pilots of the Frontier
  • First Limited Edition Xbox One Wireless Controller
  • I love this controller.  It’s so pretty!

We also bought two copies of the game (one individual copy and the copy that came with the Collector’s Edition) and some other things below.

  • The Art of Titanfall Collector’s Edition.
  • The art book was a misprint. The cover was fine, but pages inside were upside down and backwards.
  • Amazon sent a new one for free so now we have two art books. Yay!
  • The new art book is not the Collector’s Edition one though. It has a different cover.
  • I haven’t taken the game out of my Xbox One since March 11, 2014.
  • It’s multiplayer only but it’s totally worth it.
  • Can’t wait for the DLC!

The Titanfall Collector’s Edition Atlas statue is huge if you couldn’t tell from the featured picture.

  • Individually numbered, stands over 18″ tall, handcrafted from over 300 individual parts and features battery-powered LED lighting.
  • Includes exclusive full-size schematic poster of the Atlas Titan.
  • Includes full-size, hardcover art book with over 190 pages of rare concept art.
  • Includes a Certificate of Authenticity.
  • It looks awesome on top of the bookcase!
  • My first Xbox One Limited Edition game purchase.

Until next time.

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