Weekly Gaming Goals | June 21 – June 27, 2015


I took a week off from updating due to things being hectic around here, but I’m back with another update. My gamerscore is now 55,410 so I’m feeling confident I’ll be at my goal by the end of the month. I’ve scheduled a few play sessions for multiplayer games so that should help me boost my score a little bit. I haven’t been playing Destiny, but I do plan on getting back into it next month. I will try to update this throughout the week if I can.


  1. Current Gamerscore: 55,410 | June Goal Gamerscore: 57,000
  2. The Wolf Among Us (Xbox 360)
    1. Complete episodes 4 and 5
  3. A Kingdom for Keflings (Xbox 360)
    1. Complete 10 Xbox Live banners achievement
  4. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood (Xbox 360)
    1. Discover all shrines
    2. Complete all multiplayer achievements
Gaming Backlog
  1.  Watch Dogs – Bad Blood DLC (Xbox One)
  2. The Last of Us – Left Behind DLC (PS3)

Upcoming Gaming Sessions

  1. Left 4 Dead (Xbox 360) – June 23 @ 2PM
  2. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (Xbox 360) – June 24 @ 3PM
  3. Crysis 2 (Xbox 360) – June 25 @ 9AM