Weekly Gaming Goals | June 7 – June 13, 2015


I was supposed to post this yesterday, but I was too busy and didn’t schedule it in advance. I was able to get my gamerscore up to 55,210 last week! This is mostly due to me finishing Murdered: Soul Suspect (Xbox One) for 1,000G. I’m now less than 800G from my 56,000G goal for June and the month’s not even half way over yet. I think I’ll risk it and change my goal to 57,000 gamerscore by the end of June. I think I’m going to lay off Destiny for a few weeks as well and work on my backlog. I also plan on doing some more gaming sessions since I had loads of fun doing them for Titanfall and Destiny last week.


  1. Current Gamerscore: 55,210 | June Goal Gamerscore: 57,000
  2. The Wolf Among Us (Xbox 360)
    1. Complete all episodes
  3. A Kingdom for Keflings (Xbox 360)
    1. Complete 10 Xbox Live banners achievement
  4. Titanfall (Xbox One)
    1. Complete as many multiplayer achievements as possible
Gaming Backlog
  1.  Watch Dogs – Bad Blood DLC (Xbox One)
  2. The Last of Us – Left Behind DLC (PS3)
  3. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood (Xbox 360)
    1. Discover all shrines
    2. Complete all multiplayer achievements

Gaming Stats

  • Played Destiny (Xbox One) 9 times, last played 2 days ago
  • Played Murdered: Soul Suspect (Xbox One) 4 times, last played 7 days ago
  • Played Titanfall (Xbox One) 1 time, last played 5 days ago